Our Boudoir group is always about uplifting the ladies and showing the world that we are all of different shapes and sizes. We all struggle with a body part that we want to work on or life has handed us some hard struggles and we dont feel quite like we used to.
This session is to show the world that as women we all have a struggle, but girl, we are in this together. We can get together and show all the ladies that we are more than an “imperfection” of Hollywood tries and tells us what we should look like. Truth is every single one of us has different body shapes, types, curves and we are all beautiful because of that!!!
The ladies had homework to pick a body part that they wanted to share to the world and also give a positive message about it!!!
One thing when looking back at these pictures how happy they are!! Those smiles tell the world that says “THIS IS ME, I’M MORE THAN MY BODY, AND I’M BEAUTIFUL!” I love it!!!

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