October 15th is National Infant Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day.
Some of you have been following my journey of trying to conceive and having the loss of babies whether it was through pregnancy or even losing our sweet Ethan last year. For the past 14 years, I have lost babies throughout those years so this is something that touches deep into my heart to share other ladies’ stories.
Having a photography business does give me the opportunity to meet women from all different walks of life and to also meet new ladies when we do offer sessions like this one.
In this year’s session, I got to meet 2 special ladies that I got to talk to more in-depth about their stories and also got to just talk and get to know them and their baby’s life.
They both each brought something that was sentimental and wants to raise awareness with other ladies that they aren’t alone.
Today we honor the women and men that experienced loss and what could have been. Our dreams of seeing those double lines on a pregnancy test to dealing with the crippling loss of our sweet babies that we will never forget!
Our arms may be empty with those losses, but our hearts will always be filled with love for every baby we carried and didn’t bring home!

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