If you have noticed we haven’t done alot of Newborn portraits, but I love little babies!! It does take alot of time and patience when photographing a newborn as I always think we are on their time. Meet Castiel!! His family reached out and wanted some newborn pictures, but not the usual kind that you […]
Mary messaged to be get maternity pictures done with her love earlier this week. We booked fast and the next day we captured these beautiful pictures. Mary was glowing, happy and excited to be in front of the camera, she was a natural. We did a little bit of walking, but got so many good […]
Meet the Robinson family! I have known Cynthia for awhile now, we actually met online and meeting up to exchange items and became in contact ever since. She told me that she has been needing family pictures done and so we set up a date and prayed it didn’t rain. We had the session scheduled […]
How many people reading this can say that they have lived in the same bedroom for 22 years? Now if you are elderly and have lived in the same house for 40 years, I bet you have surpassed me. If you are 33 like me, it may be slim pickings. The reason why I have […]
We had alot of feedback when we posted about finding your brand. We love to help people try and find ideas for their goals and dreams. Before I meet a client, I always ask what style of pictures and what ideas do they have in mind. Of course we have our own style, but I […]
Did you know that Joyful Memories Photography opened up in January of 2009? We are so excited to be thriving after 10 years. We have accomplished alot, but have so much more that is on our bucket list. We have the best clients and have met so many wonderful people and got to hear their […]
Its true, I got my dream lens. I have waited over a year to get it. Even though I wanted to get the f/1.4, I got the f/1.8, which is a triple amount in savings. It is mostly for portraits, which I do most in my business. I can’t wait to share with you all […]
Meet Kevin!! This photo session was about a dog and his best friend. Kevin is my cousin and I got to go visit with him while I was in Dallas over the weekend. I haven’t seen him in awhile, so while we were there the sun was sitting and I asked if he wouldn’t mind […]
March is Kidney Cancer Awareness month. I have shared in a previous post about my cancer story and how cancer touches close to home with me of all kinds. When I hear someone who is going through dialysis, waiting on a list for a kidney, or is fighting the fight of kidney cancer, I instantly […]
The older I get the more I really love molding my home into a cozy comfortable place for my family and friends. Joseph and I talk all the time about our dream home and what we would want it look like or how to decorate it. We really love the idea of sharing our home […]
We post our Boudoir photos over on our Instagram Page,
so make sure you click on it and follow!
See you over there!